Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing #1 I Like About Athens

There are orange trees full of large, juicy, ripe oranges everywhere.

How novel: city trees that produce a useful foodstuff in addition to looking pretty!


  1. how cool! do people actually pick the oranges and eat them? or is that taboo?

  2. Oh gosh, I don't even know... I would imagine they would be fine but the streets are rather dirty! There are sure an awful lot of oranges for sale everywhere you look...

  3. These are ornamental oranges, possibly useful for making marmalade, but in the three years I was in Athens I never saw anybody collect or eat any of them, even from the groves in places like the Pangrati Alsos, where thy fall and rot on the ground. When ripe and run over by cars they make a lovely smell, and excellent missiles for boys to heave at cars.
